IVC Networks

Through our partnership with industry leaders our networks offer a footprint across 3200 pharmacies and clinics, in five countries in Southern Africa and Dubai

Our network serves over 10,000 healthcare providers across South Africa and neighboring countries.


IVC Networks will manage the financial and administrative side of your employee assistance program and give you access to our networks that include:

  • Corporate employee assistance
  • a Doctors network – where patients can book an online consultation with a GP, decreasing absenteeism and help employee to become more healthy. IVC Networks will manage the doctors network, will negotiate the fee charged to the employee assistance program and the availability of doctors to do consultations. As well as the financing side, the invoicing and claiming if the employee have a medical aid.
  • Mental health – we offer your employees access to an psychologist online. We provide a safe and confidential environment for employees to discuss their personal and work related problems improving their overall wellbeing and helping employees to become more resilient.
  • Pharmacy network – How will an employee assistance network benefit from the pharmacy network we have will it be the clinic services we offer.

  • Phlebotomy network through our pharmacy clinic network

  • Biokinetisist network


IVC Networks enable you to offer your employees appropriate, quality, cost effective healthcare that ensures optimal service access.

To Healthcare Providers
  • We offer healthcare providers and practitioners the opportunity to become part of an extensive provider network ecosystem.
  • IVC Networks reduce the administrative burden of practice management by providing administration and financial services, so that you as healthcare provider and practitioner can focus on delivering the best care to their patients.
  • Any healthcare practitioner can now reap the many benefits of a partnership with our well-established networks.

Get in touch with us

Speak to a consultant or book a demo, click below to get in touch with us today.